Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Counters that "top" the chart!

 This article is just focusing on trending finishes which I will throw in every once in a while on this blog. The trend that I am exposing today is in counter top finishes and what is in now, on it's way out, and a has been... :( The finishes that are very now and current in 2014 are....Quartz, Marble, and poured concrete, what is on it's way out is surely Granite, and porcelain tile, and what is a has been is ceramic tiles. Funny enough laminate has had such a rebirth with the quality that even though it is not most people's first choice in material it has stood the test of time! Hopefully, this has helped all of you looking to do a renovation in the near future in either  a bathroom, kitchen, or even in commercial space. Hope all is well, and that all of you are staying cool in the heat of summer :)

Here are just a few great examples of what you can do...

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Designer's Cake!

Hello all, it is a new month and I have missed a week on posting. I hope everyone had a wonderful July 4th weekend! I am back and ready to share some more design ideas with you...This one is a simple one but true... Try to remember to catch up on the base layer of your "design cake, lol! I am sure you are thinking what on earth is she talking about? What I mean by that is simply this, the base of your "design cake" is your flooring, walls, driveway, windows, insulation etc....the icing are the furniture, the fixtures, the colors on your wall.  Then last but not least are the candles of the cake such as; accents, paintings, personal items etc. pretty much everything else!
In the summer while the whether is nice, you should concentrate on any base design/structures that need  maintenance while you have the time, and energy, as well as conditions to do so. Those are the things that we forget to do, or just do not have the ability to do in our daily lives during the cozy/cold months of the year. This will produce a sound working interior design down the road for you, in all cases: new homeowners, or if you have had your home a while and just need a refresh, or even if you rent, you can always put your own twist to a space to update things and make them better! Well, that is all for today, just throwing out some wisdom for your cozy nest!